As a full service association management company, we are always assisting our communities with obtaining quality contractors, and service providers for our association communities. We are constantly involved with reviewing repairs specs, obtaining contractor bids, and overall oversight all major maintenance or building projects. We as a company have evolved tremendously with technology over the last 10 years. We constantly strive to keep our HOA managers and staff equipped with technology that will both improve our efficiency as a company, and always with the goal to improve communication between our communities, our management office, and all outside vendors. We have spotted a very noticeable trend over the years with our communities and the contractors being selected. The companies that were consistently winning bids on big building projects and being chosen for repair and re-construction jobs all had one big similarity: They all were actively using several forms of newer technology. What’s the connection you ask? Its simple: COMMUNICATION. When contractors are able to share their knowledge and expertise on their trade effectively with both the association manager and the HOA board members, it makes everyone’s life easier. Contractors are not depending on the HOA management company to translate their estimates and ideas, and the HOA board members are ensured that their community is going to receive what they want, and what they paid for. We wanted to review some technology basics that all HOA contractors should be familiar with. We have them listed in order of necessity for effective and time efficient communication.
This is another very obvious “must” nowadays. You can go dozens of places online and get a free email address for your business. HOA and condo communities don’t want just a verbal bid over the phone. That works in some cases, with familiar contractors, but doesn’t work on medium to large size projects. Associations and the management companies want bids, specs, and final prices to be in writing, to help protect both parties. No one wants to get in any kind of he said / she said argument about dollar amounts and project materials