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City of Austin Lifts Stage 2 water restrictions

The City of Austin has decided to lift the Stage 2 water restrictions and return to the stage 1 restrictions.  This takes effect today July 16th 2012.  The decision comes as a result of increased rainfall over the spring and early summer along with an improving outlook for rainfall in the future forecasts. LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) has also made some adjustments in how the amount of water available to agricultural customers as well, decreasing the chance of dramatic water level changes in lake storage. Returning to stage one restrictions allow all residents along with HOA and condo communities to water twice a week.  Please see the watering schedule below for your designated days in which you are allowed to water.  Please also note the specific times in which you are allowed to water as well.

Stage 1 Procedures

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Photo courtesy of Austin Water Department

Returning to stage one restrictions allow all residents along with HOA and condo communities to water twice a week.  PS Property Management is working closely with all irrigation and landscaping specialists to ensure they are making the proper adjustments to all our HOA and Condo communities irrigation systems.  We want to ensure that we are watering all of our associations common areas on the right days and during the right times to receive the maximum benefit to the property.

As a homeowner, if you see that your community’s  irrigation system is operating during hours in which it should not be, please contact our office so that we can quickly inform the proper landscaping authority.
