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Fall HOA Tips

As we near the end of the Summer months, it is essential for Associations to gear up for the Fall Season with strategic planning and proactive measures. This time of the year presents the unique opportunity to begin planning and making the crucial decisions to remain ahead of the curve. From reviewing financial reports, planning end-of-year Community Events, and scheduling preventative maintenance, the Fall Season is a pivotal period to ensure the Association’s success. We will explore some key Fall HOA Tips and best practices to help your Board of Directors navigate the Fall Season with confidence and efficiency. Let’s dive in and make this season a productive and rewarding one for your HOA. Here are 8 Fall HOA Tips to get your started!

Fall HOA Tips – Community Landscaping & Grounds Maintenance

HOA Tip 1 – Leaf Removal

To many, Fall means the changing of colors in nature. It can mean cooler temperatures outside, or a time for family gatherings. To others, it means leaves, lots and lots of leaves. It may mean it is time to get in touch with your Landscaping Vendors to ensure that leaf removal from common areas and gutters is at the upmost of importance. Too many leaves piling up can lead to dead grass, bugs, and worse yet, the perfect hiding places for nesting  rodents!

A great way to alleviate some of the leaves is to begin pruning and trimming trees and shrubs early in the Fall Season. This can help prevent much of the leaves that would otherwise fall as temperatures begin to drop.

HOA Tip 2 – Aerating & Fertilizing

As temperatures begin to come down after the heat of the summer, this presents the perfect time to begin aerating and fertilizing the lawns and common areas within your community. This can help to prepare these areas for the common seasons before the chill of Winter, getting your grassy areas ready for the following Spring months.

Tip 3 – Winterizing Irrigation Systems

If the previous years in Texas has shown us anything, it is that the weather can change in an instant and have devastating consequences for your Communities. Now is the perfect time to begin looking in to what your Association can do to prepare for the potential freezing weather as Winter approaches. Getting ahead of these issues now can save your Association thousands of dollars in the future due to burst pipes or frozen water systems.

These simple Fall HOA Tips can help your Association prepare and keep your Community looking beautiful for months to come!

Fall HOA Tips – Exterior Structure Maintenance

HOA Tip 4 – Roof Inspections

Colder months can cause havoc on the roofs within your Association, especially in Condominiums. It is more important than ever to ensure that Associations are inspecting and cleaning roofs and gutters before any potentially freezing weather in the next few months. In Central Texas, hail is a large cause of roof damage, and although hail can be a year round issue, getting ahead of these inspections now can save your Association thousands in the future. Freezing weather can also weigh down gutters around your buildings, now is the time to ensure that these are secure and clear of any debris.

HOA Tip 5 – Siding & Exterior Maintenance

With the drops in temperature, critters and undesirable pests may be looking for ways to get inside. As a Homeowner, the last thing you may want are pests living rent free in your home. Now is the time to inspect and seal any cracks or gaps in buildings around your Community. While you are at it, touching up any exterior paint can do wonders to visually boost your Community as you approach the end of the year!

Tip 6 – Fence & Gate Repair

The last thing you want to deal with while having family over for the holidays is a broken fence or stuck gate. Before these costly repairs can come at the last minute, Associations should take the time now the inspect and repair any damages to fences and vehicle/pedestrian gates. Taking care of these issues early prevents the Association from having to pay any surge pricing during the Winter months. These Fall HOA Tips can potentially save your Association tens of thousands of dollars in the future.

Fall HOA Tips – Common HOA Amenities to Maintain

HOA Tip 7 – Pools & Spas

Now that the Summer months are past, and once pools begin to close for the season, it is the perfect time to maintain and prepare for the upcoming cold months. While the pools are closed, this is a prime opportunity for various Vendors to come in and make any repairs or upgrades to these key amenities. Whether it be decking, painting, tile work or electrical, this downtime is the best chance to get this maintenance done. This also serves as the perfect time to begin winterizing any pumps are systems to ensure there is no damage from any potential freezes.

Tip 8 – Playground Equipment

As with pools, this time of the year is a great time to inspect and service any Playground Equipment in need of repair. While this can be done at any point during the year, Vendor pricing may be lower during this time due to the cooler weather. With other repairs and maintenance going on around this time, if funds allow, this area should not be overlooked, especially when it comes to proper lighting in these areas.

These Fall HOA Tips will help you keep your Amenities looking great all year round!

For even more help, check out our post about 10 Common HOA Board Member Mistakes!